Market fluctuations are one of the deciding factors that investors take into account before staking their money in any business. Over the past few years, we have seen the values of stocks go down in value. Just take a look at Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. All sorts of things have been happening that are contributing to negatively affecting the markets. In a situation like this, one can’t blame the investors if they are extra cautious with their investment strategies.
If you are a 401(k) investor, then you have probably seen the value of your assets go down quite fast over the last 12 months. This is because the assets in a 401(k) account are almost always invested in the stock market. This means that the value of the assets in the account will go down with the declining values of the stocks. A great alternative for you would be a self-directed IRA. If you choose a self-directed IRA as your retirement plan, you can take a lot more control on your wealth, compared to the other plans.
The wealth in your self-directed IRA account will be unaffected by how the stock market is doing. You will have the ability to invest in whatever business that you choose. You do not even need a custodian to conduct transactions from your self-directed IRA. You might need the help of a counselor for the transfer of your assets from a 401(k) to a self-directed IRA, but that would be pretty much all. From that point onwards, you will have complete control of your wealth and write and receive checks under your own name.
So whether it is real estate, rental properties or deeds of trust that you want to invest in, it doesn’t matter because the choice is yours if you have a self-directed IRA.
To know more about: How To Save For Retirement by Investing in a Business: Click Here
How You Can Protect your Savings from Economic Fluctuations
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